​ Maria Birmingham
Children's Book Author/Writer/Editor
Follow me on Twitter: @mkbirmingham
Specializing in content for kids
The Lane Anderson Awards Dinner
Posted: November 2015
I am very behind in writing this post -- which is a shame because I had the loveliest time at the Lane Anderson dinner. Let me begin by saying what an honour it was to be nominated for the Lane Anderson Award. It sounds like the thing to say, but I was truly stunned to be a finalist and grateful that Tastes Like Music was even being considered.
The event was held at the end of September at Le Select Bistro in Toronto. I had the opportunity to meet nominated author Lindsey Carmichael, who wrote the fantastic book Fuzzy Forensics. It was interesting to hear about all of the work she'd put into her book and some of the challenges along the way. A very dedicated author, for sure! Unfortunately, Daniel Loxton, who wrote the other book nominated in the young reader's category wasn't able to attend the dinner. But his book Plesiosaur Peril is also a must-read.
Judy Brunsek from Owlkids was my dinnermate. Lucky for me! She puts everyone at ease and is such a great conversationalist. Perfect for an introvert like me. Besides great conversation, the food was out of this world. Honestly, I can't remember having a better meal -- the best frites and crème brûlée you can imagine.
After a fantastic meal, Sharon Fitzhenry, from the Fitzhenry Family Foundation, spoke about the importance of science writing. She is genuinely passionate about the need for excellent science books for kids and adults alike. It was very inspiring!
The Lane Anderson Award in the young reader's category eventually went to Lindsey's book Fuzzy Forensics. She and her book certainly deserve the recognition. I was --and still am -- grateful to have been on the shortlist of books for such a prestigious award. And I'm inspired by the Fitzhenry Family Foundation, who created the award, and the emphasis that the foundation places on science writing. Thank you to them for the wonderful evening!

From left to right: Dr. Francois Reeves (Adult finalist), Jim Handman (for Adult finalist Bob McDonald), Lionel Koffler (for Adult winner Stephen Leahy) Young Reader winner Lindsay Carmichael, me, Yvette Ghione (for Young Reader finalist Daniel Loxton) Photo by: Emma McIntyre